The nail fungus on her thumb

Onychomycosis is a common disease. This files most often diagnosed nail fungus on his thumb. With prompt treatment, the infection can be stopped to avoid hitting a healthy nail. At the moment, there are a lot of tools that are able to fight the fungus. In the initial phase, it will be enough for the local medication, and neglected not to do without radical measures.

The reasons for the emergence of fungal nail

Causes of fungal nail and other factors on the risk of

The reason for the fungus of the nails most of the time it is in contact with the other person.

Risk factors for fungal infection are as follows:

  • Old.
  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  • Bacterial lesions on the skin.
  • Eczema, dermatitis.
  • The abuse of spirituous drinks.

The disease develops in contact with the nail plate fungal pathogens. They can also enter the blood stream and the skin. In the majority of cases, the cause of the pathology development, it is in contact with the other person. The possible causes are a fungal infection:

  1. You have to be in a public area, according to the type of bath or basin. In this case, the fungus most often affects the fingers.
  2. Contact with a person who is suffering from onychomycosis. It can be transmitted through personal items.
  3. A cosmetic procedure, and if the tools are not disinfected. For example, in the course of the procedure of a pedicure or a manicure.
  4. The failure to observe the rules of personal hygiene. The lack of an adequate control of the condition of the legs, or the wearing of poor quality shoes will lead to the development of nail fungus.
  5. Medications, the effect of which is the development of fungal diseases.
  6. Poor circulation, varicose veins.

The phase of the onychomycosis and the symptoms.

Each and every stage of the nail fungus has its own symptoms. Depending on the type of treatment is chosen, it is important for you to understand at what stage, is a fungal infection.

  1. A normal scar. The nail plate changes its color, while preserving the Shine of the nail and of its normal thickness. Gradually, the spots of various sizes, and they have a white-yellow color. With the development of the disease, the spots increase in size and become slightly convex, in consequence of this, they have to cover the entire nail plate. The thickness of the nails will remain in good condition.
  2. The diagnosis of the fungus
  3. Hypertrophic. At this stage, the manifestations of onychomycosis is becoming more and more pronounced. In addition to the change in the color of the nail, the nail. It is increased by more than 2 mm. This is a result of hyperkeratosis – an increased formation of skin flakes. The nail plate loses its Shine, becomes dull, you will begin to crumble and severely deformed. In particular, strong, a failure occurs at the lateral parts of the nail.
  4. Atrophic. The nail plate begins to acquire greyish-brown tint, dullness becomes more and more pronounced. As the progression of the disease, the nail is reduced, it may completely atrophy. The pathological process develops from the top of the nail plate, after moving to the cushion and your skin area growth. Symptoms of the virus for a long time, does not affect very much the growth area.
  5. Distal. The process of the deformation becomes uniform in the course of the nail plate. The nails appear in distinctive stripes. How is the break down of the nail, the free edge completely disappears. The nail plate becomes irregular in shape. The side rollers there is swelling and redness. In some cases, when it is pressed, it can be popped a bit of pus.
  6. Proximal. The nail plate appears white spot, large size. The nail is beginning to completely collapse.
  7. A total of. It is the end stages. The nail plate is under the influence of the full. The nail crumbles, and acquires a variety of nuances.

The diagnosis of the fungus

The diagnosis involves a visual inspection and series of tests. For a diagnosis you must consult a dermatologist. To begin with, the specialist will carry out a visual inspection, then perform the following procedure:

  • Scraping from the infected area of the nail plate.
  • Microscopy will reveal the presence of fungal diseases.

As a rule, the diagnosis of the fungus on the limbs without causing problems. Even by visual inspection, it is not possible to understand whether there is a fungus and its stage.

How to cure nail fungus

At the moment, there are a number of ways to treat nail fungus on my big toe. Methods of treatment depend on the stage of the fungal infection. In the early stages of the disease, you only need to the types of treatments available.

Antifungal lacquers

Tablets for oral administration

A lot of people are wondering how to treat nail fungus on my big toe. For these purposes, the use of a special varnish in order to eliminate the fungus infection. They can be distinguished with quick effect and ease of use. The bandwidth of these coatings is vast, so everyone can choose for themselves the individual assets.

Ointments, sprays, and creams

In between sprays, ointments and creams for the treatment of nail fungus on his thumb, to allocate the resources shown in the table below. They are very popular and have proved to be the most effective.

Tablets for oral administration

Drugs for oral administration were given to the very rare. Their method is suitable only in the advanced stages of a fungal infection. As they cause a number of side-effects, they are not permitted to take without a prescription. Among the tablets, especially the popular drugs, there are in the table below.

The means for the removal of the nail plate

The removal of the nail plate may be required if fungal infection and it was the hit of the whole area. It is necessary to use special tools to gently remove the nail. In addition to this, they are also, in terms of eliminating the fungus. When you are using you have to exercise extreme care to prevent injury and further infection.

The effect of the laser

Laser – an alternative method of treatment of a fungus of the great toe. The laser beams are able to penetrate deep into the nail, which allows it to effectively remove the infection. This procedure is recommended for people with increased sensitivity to drugs for the treatment of mycosis. The laser works painlessly, without causing any discomfort. The procedure has no side effects, and contraindications. For maximum effect, it is necessary to have, in the course of these procedures.

Surgical removal

Surgical removal of the nail plate – the most radical way. To be used only if other techniques do not give the desired result. The surgery is performed under local anesthesia. The nail plate has been removed. The positive aspects of this method, you are able to manage a fast relief from the fungal infection. The subject of the measures necessary for the growth of a healthy nail can be accelerated. On the downside it is a fairly long rehabilitation after surgery, it may be necessary to the pain.

Folk remedies

The methodology of folk medicine used in the treatment of fungal infections. It is highly recommended that you use them as an additional action to be taken to the basic treatment. To replace the drugs they they. The most common recipes:

To prevent
  1. Regularly steaming your feet in soda water, with the addition of the iodine. After that the nails are treated with an antibacterial agent.
  2. Apply daily on the affected nail a drop of 5% iodine. As a prevention, apply 1 or 2 times a week.
  3. In the course of a week, lubricate the nail apple cider vinegar.
  4. Grind celandine, bring it to a boil. The solution is to add it to the maintenance of baths for the feet.
  5. To add to the footbath soda, and a piece of soap. The procedure is carried out 2-3 times a week.

What happens if you do not treat the disease

If the weather does not deal with the treatment of the nail fungus, they are faced with the transition of the disease into the chronic form. Its danger lies in the accumulation of toxic substances that enter the blood stream. Then, the toxins are quickly spread throughout the entire body.

Prevention tips

In order to avoid fungal infection of the nail plate, you need to adhere to the following rules:

  1. To ensure that your feet will be dry.
  2. Wear comfortable and quality shoe.
  3. After a visit to the common areas, and thoroughly wash feet with soap and water.
  4. When you are trying on the shoes, use the socks.
  5. Regular monitoring of the condition of the nails. To remove the excess length, and carry out for a pedicure.
  6. If a person is struggling with fungi, it is necessary to use a special antifungal medication in order to prevent re-occurrence.

The preventive measures will help you to avoid such unpleasant diseases such as onychomycosis in nails. In addition to this, the careful care of the feet and the nails will preserve them in excellent condition.